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Showing posts with label Employees With Negative Attitudes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Employees With Negative Attitudes. Show all posts
Tips to avoid workplace harassment, Phone, moral or sexual harassment can also occur in your business
Phone, moral or sexual harassment can also occur in your business. No one is safe from this scourge. This kind of behavior should never be taken lightly and should be detected through your attention and that of your teams and apprehend them upstream.
The harassment ?
According to the public service, three types of harassment are retained and make it possible to understand the mechanisms used by stalkers.
1. Telephone harassment.
Repeated and malicious phone calls are considered harassment. The repeated sending of SMS or malicious e-mails is likened to telephone harassing or ringing your phone without speaking to you with the sole purpose of causing noise problems.
2. Moral harassment is manifested by repeated actions: derogatory remarks, intimidation, insults ... These actions result in a serious deterioration of the working conditions of the victim who risks:
undermine his rights and dignity,
or alter their physical or mental health,
or jeopardize one's professional future.
These actions are prohibited, even in the absence of a hierarchical link with the author of the facts.
3. Sexual harassment is characterized by repeatedly imposing on a person sexual comments or behaviors that:
undermine his dignity because of their degrading or humiliating character,
or create a situation that is intimidating, hostile or offensive.
Here are 9 tips.
1. Communicate harassment with teams
Communication on the subject of harassment is paramount between teams. Make sure that employees communicate with each other to express problems becomes necessary and allows if necessary to pierce the abscess around a misunderstanding or a proven harassment. Establish dialogue with his teams and intervene so that everyone knows what harassment and its consequences on the person but also the criminal consequences they may incur if it turns out to be the author of harassment. Communicating enables employees to understand the irreversible consequences of harassment and to help a colleague who is the victim of this phenomenon.
2. Identify problems by observation
To prevent harassment, it is important to identify possible problems in working relationships. To do this, observing the attitude of employees helps to prevent a delicate situation in terms of telephone, moral or sexual harassment. As an employer, an external vision to the teams gives you a different approach to the situation and allows you to play the role of mediator and warn about your inflexibility in the face of inappropriate behavior. A dialogue with an employee who has an inappropriate or aggressive attitude towards another employee asks them to approach the problem with sensitivity to make them understand what harassment can bring.
3. Remove from your attitude any tolerance for dubious jokes and touching
To avoid any situation that is out of place from a sexual harassment point of view, questionable jokes or touching must never be tolerated in your company. Do not hesitate to take your employees a little too joking and tactile. A regular warning about these practices can prevent such behavior and reassure people who may be subject to such behavior.
4. Put in place preventive measures
Educating employees about workplace harassment remains important, as information helps identify strange behaviors. The rules of procedure must mention the prohibition of harassment. To complete this, prevention visuals in the premises informing all employees will give the definition of harassment to better prevent it. Occupational medicine in some cases can inform a company and its employees to raise awareness even more, following previous harassment cases. Bring to the attention of its employees the texts of the Penal Code law repressing the moral harassment, collaborate with the representatives of the personnel and, if it exists, the committee of health, safety and conditions of work (CHSCT) make part of the duties of the employer.
5. Establish anonymous questionnaires carried out by an external audit To detect harassment as soon as possible, setting up anonymous questionnaires is useful. In the event that employees are unable to express themselves on the subject, the anonymity achieved by an external audit can make it possible to confide in them. The practice of questionnaires is difficult to implement in small structures. This technique still gives the harassed person the opportunity to engage without constraints.
6. Inquire through the employer's right of inspection Within the company, in case of harassment, the employer may be charged under the law. He remains responsible for his employees and their actions under the roof of the company. In case of doubt, you can assert your right of scrutiny on the correspondence of your employees (e-mails, action plan, annual maintenance ...). This solution can be radical, but it helps to detect unusual behaviors among your employees, if this is the case.
7. Do not participate The important thing in cases of proven harassment is to support the victim or at least to appear relatively neutral as a mediator. If one of your colleagues allows themselves questionable reflections or strange approaches, be inflexible. You must be exemplary and above all avoid that the victim feels somehow complicit. As a leader, taking responsibility for harassment is knowing how to say no to inappropriate behavior. Indifference is the door open to harassment.
8. Attempt to understand the stalker. Harassment in his business is always difficult, the employer must be concerned to avoid recurrence. One of the important things is also to be concerned about the stalker and his intentions. Understanding one's behavior helps stop and prevent harassment. Once the facts are established, the harasser must be confronted with the problem and so you can convince him not to do it again. Thereafter, do not hesitate to put a surveillance in place to avoid recurrence. Do not hesitate to use the occupational medicine that can help you but also organizations such as suffering at work that have allowed businesses to be deadlocked.
9. Take necessary measures. In the event of proven harassment within your company, taking the necessary measures is a legal obligation. The principle is to never take the least noise, the slightest rumor lightly. In cases of proven harassment, an internal procedure is required and a complaint to the police, if the victim so wishes. Feel free to support those involved and make it a personal affair to show your dedication and interest in keeping the team together.
Tips for managing a narcissistic employee
In a company, strong characters remain very difficult to manage for both managers and employees. With a narcissistic person, the approach is very particular and can be destabilizing. Here are some tips for managing a narcissistic employee.
1. Identify your personality
Identifying a narcissistic personality is not easy. If she regularly stands out, tries to be admired by everyone and has little empathy for others, you are surely facing a narcissist. These people often feel the need to be superior to others to prove how great they are. However, such an attitude can impinge on the work environment and colleagues who may feel unsettled when they have little confidence in themselves. You will have to deepen under what circumstances his narcissistic attitude shades colleagues and make sure to highlight the people on his team.
2. Be lucid
This type of person will not hesitate to present himself as superior to achieve his ends. It needs to exist, to perpetually be the center of the world. In order to master these situations, we must keep what we call "the cold head". A narcissistic person is always looking for weaknesses to dominate the vulnerable. In the context of the company, she will be able to manipulate her colleagues to obtain the favors of her hierarchy and the colleagues are often dupes of this behavior. Being clear on the situation will help you to counteract his way of doing things.
3. Assert yourself
Narcissists who feel the need to be admired will want to access their ambitions as quickly as possible. They can become stressful, put their superiors in difficulty and exert such pressure that it is difficult to say "no" even if they abuse. In the case, where the "no" intervenes, it is better to say it with empathy. In no case should it make him lose face because you may trigger behaviors that you will not control.
4. Do not be swayed
To satisfy himself and reassure himself, the narcissist does not hesitate to manipulate his collaborators to achieve his ends. For the sake of labor relations, it's best not to get into his game. If you feed his ego by blaming other people or spreading rumors, he'll feel all the more powerful because he'll know about it. future use them against you as he sees fit.
5. Manage a situation
Finding yourself in front of a person who is constantly boasting is quickly annoying. For the company and all employees, the dialogue must be initiated. Admittedly, if he does not get his way, the narcissist may stumble. He will take your exchange as a criticism and will try to make you feel guilty, being tactful will allow you to get out of the spiral in which he wants to lock you up. To improve the situation, the solution is to make him understand nicely the impact of his behavior on his colleagues.
6. Help him with his vision of others
To feel unceasingly superior, the narcissist sometimes needs to be unpleasant with his colleagues. He is generally lacking in empathy and ultimately critical to reassure himself. He complains about insignificant details just to humiliate a person. In this case, one must be able to calmly explain the suffering of others and make him understand that criticism is not useful.
7. Never outbid
Always in a perpetual desire to elevate himself, the narcissist will try to submit his entourage, so that he can be the best. Since he does not show appreciation to others, it is useless to try to outbid a narcissist when he boasts. The best solution is to acquiesce if you deserve it. Otherwise you risk venturing into an unhealthy competition. Outbidding is an aggression for a narcissist, he feels helpless and becomes difficult to manage.
8. Compliment
Oddly, the best way to deal with a narcissist is to compliment him. These people often have a problem of self-confidence and their character is just a facade. Compliments must be fair and focused. We will say rather "This morning, you did a very good job on the file ..." instead of "You're great in this area". Targeting the compliment helps to flatter him and show him our empathy on an element and not on a generality. This psychological inversion will engender a beginning of awareness in some cases. He will understand that he does not need to flatter and brag to reassure himself that he is the best.
9. Avoid contact, in extreme cases In the context of the company, a narcissist can really destabilize the teams and hinder the activity. If the situation becomes out of control, contacts with such a person should be avoided. Do the bare minimum, narcissism is often a desire to manipulate and it can destroy a pleasant atmosphere within teams. Previous advice will be useful in less extreme cases, but if the situation deteriorates, it is better to ignore it and talk to competent people. And to improve the situation calmly why not make him participate in a training on relations at work?
How to manage a difficult employee? How to manage difficult employees
How to manage difficult employees
Working with a difficult employee is a situation that everyone is confronted with on a daily basis. This type of employee can be indirect and make believe that everything is fine or direct, angry, aggressive, violent and unbearable. He often questions authority. His attitude affects interpersonal relationships. So, what strategies to adopt to manage it effectively?
Look for the cause of his behavior
As a line manager, you must not avoid a difficult employee. Instead, try to identify the cause of his behavior. You need to determine whether this is a contextual situation or a recurring problem rooted in one's personality. Behavior change can come from a temporary situation, such as family problems or work stress.
Identify areas in which the employee has a problem
A difficult employee can cause demotivation, conflict, frustration and confusion among employees. It can therefore be a nightmare for his colleagues. In some cases, he remains silent and plays the victim in all situations. Do not focus only on his negative actions, but broaden your perception of why he is considered a difficult employee. Discover its natural reflexes and identify the context in which it appears its difficult nature. To do this, one only needs to observe the behaviors and results of the employee concerned over a long period of time.
Meet the hard worker
After researching the causes and background, call the employee to a meeting where you will be assisted by a counselor or human resources manager. Before this meeting, it is important to make a complete record of concrete facts and tangible results. Avoid putting hearsay and personal perceptions on this file. Stay neutral and practice constructive feedback.
Here are the steps for successful constructive feedback:
• Relax the atmosphere by using "I" to interact with him
• Presentation of tangible results and observed facts
• Record the employee's reactions to the results and facts
• Remind him of the impact of his behavior on his collaborators
• Write down your reactions
• Select two to three behaviors to improve in the short term
• Ask them to propose solutions and establish an action plan. Depending on the severity of the problem, you can opt for training by a professional or coaching by a manager. For an effective implementation of the action plan, rigor is required.
Assist the employee throughout the implementation of the action plan
The involvement of the employer or supervisor in finding solutions does not stop only at the first meeting. It is recommended to follow the employee in the application of the action plan, to meet him regularly and to rigorously evaluate his learning.
If he reoffends, punish him
If despite the coaching and training, the employee presents personality traits that have an impact on the work environment and cause conflicts within the company, you must apply the disciplinary measures that are imposed on it ( warning, verbal notice, written notice, suspension and dismissal.) Avoid making hasty decisions as they may have negative impacts on the work environment, work organization and leadership.
Managing a difficult employee is a complex task. It is important not to move or avoid intervening to correct this behavior, as the consequences can be serious for the company. To succeed in changing a difficult employee, you must be rigorous, courageous and perseverant.
How to manage a difficult personality at work
What is the definition of a difficult employee in your eyes? Is it an employee who does not listen, who arrives late, who puts off everything, who argues every decision made?
Although what is considered "difficult" may vary from one person to another, there are certain personality traits that come together, can concoct a recipe leading to problematic behavior in the workplace.
Working with a difficult personality at work is a situation that everyone can relate to, and it can be one of the hardest to overcome. So, how to handle a difficult personality at work?
What does a difficult personality look like at work?
Difficult personalities can be very different. They can be indirect and suggest that all is well, or be very direct, threatening and explicit.
Many would be surprised to know that it is not necessarily the least productive people who have difficult personalities. Top performers may have personality traits that cause hardship, conflict and lack of synergy within an organization.
Employees may be temporarily more difficult because of stress at work or at home. So you have to determine if the difficult personality at work is contextual or if it is a recurring problem, so deeply rooted in their personality.
In order to better manage difficult personalities at work, you need to get a global picture allowing you to identify:
personality traits that you feel are more problematic at work
the environment in which you work (context, tasks, organizational culture)
your own personality traits and natural reflexes
The apparent aggressor
There are risks that difficult personalities at work will cause conflict, frustration, demotivation and confusion among peers. For example: those who cause problems by their tendency to assert their point on everything and nothing, who grumble and who portray an egocentric attitude. Their lack of filters and their aggressive behavior usually make people around them feel threatened.
With these types of difficult personalities, you must look beyond what is wrong and seek a solution. Sometimes it can be as simple as asking them for their opinion on something (because you know very well that you are going to get it anyway, but in this way they may feel more involved and even flattered than you have asked, which, in turn, can soften their answers).
Even if you decide not to go ahead with their opinions or ideas, you will at least have allowed them to verbalize their point of view in a more controlled setting. Their basic personality will not change, but it can help contain it.
A difficult personality at work is not always obvious
What about the less obvious types of difficult personalities? These people who never speak, who let the emotions intensify and play the victim in all situations. They may be just as difficult to manage because their colleagues will feel stuck trying to figure out how that person feels, and then really discover it later, at a much less convenient time. Unlike the more obvious difficult personalities, with the less obvious ones, you'll have to start by finding out what's wrong, then finding a solution.
That's why regular follow-up and feedback sessions are important not only to maintain a steady and stable flow, but also to give employees the opportunity to express themselves little by little. If you work with people who have difficulty expressing themselves or dealing with certain issues, you will need to pay particular attention to their nonverbal, such as difficulty in making eye contact, lifting eyes to the sky when confronted with comments, more closed body language, feeling of tension, tense facial expressions, etc.
Become aware of the difficult personality at work
Whether you are dealing with direct or passive-aggressive behavior, it is imperative to learn more about the situation. People with difficult personalities need to be aware of their own natural reflexes and how these can affect others, just as much as you need to be aware of how your personality can be influenced by others.
Returning to basics by using the "I" to open the conversation is a good way to prevent the other party from being on the defensive. This allows you to express how you feel without putting all the blame on the other. "I feel like I can not put my point of view when I am interrupted" can be much more effective than "you hurt me when you cut me off". I know what you think: a simple "I" will not make the difference with narcissistic and irrational employees. Maybe, but it will at least have the effect of not making things worse. See it as a way to break the ice, not a solution. As previously mentioned, awareness is the key, and a psychometric test can objectively provide you with the personality differences (and similarities) that may be causing your problems.
Hard Work Personality: A Bad Habit Some people may repeat difficult behaviours routinely or because they have proven to be effective for them in the past. They may be rigid and resistant to change (which may be a difficult personality in themselves), or may have never been confronted with their behavior in the past, and they are not aware that they are creating more harm than good. Help them understand the consequences of their actions and offer them different responses to certain situations by leading by example, role-playing games, or helping them learn to detect the signs that can trigger problematic behavior. Wider reach We also need to take a broader perspective on difficult personalities at work: to separate the person from the problem, to understand that people generally behave this way because of who they are, not because of remember that stress and demotivation can make someone more difficult to manage than usual, and try to take a proactive, non-reactive approach.
To effectively manage a difficult personality at work, you must discover the natural reflexes of your employees, understand the context, and broaden your perception of why you categorize them as "difficult" in the first place. Do not focus only on the negative, but work to find a solution. Systematically follow up to prevent certain behaviours from getting worse, and open the conversation with these employees proactively.
Although what is considered "difficult" may vary from one person to another, there are certain personality traits that come together, can concoct a recipe leading to problematic behavior in the workplace.
Working with a difficult personality at work is a situation that everyone can relate to, and it can be one of the hardest to overcome. So, how to handle a difficult personality at work?
What does a difficult personality look like at work?
Difficult personalities can be very different. They can be indirect and suggest that all is well, or be very direct, threatening and explicit.
Many would be surprised to know that it is not necessarily the least productive people who have difficult personalities. Top performers may have personality traits that cause hardship, conflict and lack of synergy within an organization.
Employees may be temporarily more difficult because of stress at work or at home. So you have to determine if the difficult personality at work is contextual or if it is a recurring problem, so deeply rooted in their personality.
In order to better manage difficult personalities at work, you need to get a global picture allowing you to identify:
personality traits that you feel are more problematic at work
the environment in which you work (context, tasks, organizational culture)
your own personality traits and natural reflexes
The apparent aggressor
There are risks that difficult personalities at work will cause conflict, frustration, demotivation and confusion among peers. For example: those who cause problems by their tendency to assert their point on everything and nothing, who grumble and who portray an egocentric attitude. Their lack of filters and their aggressive behavior usually make people around them feel threatened.
With these types of difficult personalities, you must look beyond what is wrong and seek a solution. Sometimes it can be as simple as asking them for their opinion on something (because you know very well that you are going to get it anyway, but in this way they may feel more involved and even flattered than you have asked, which, in turn, can soften their answers).
Even if you decide not to go ahead with their opinions or ideas, you will at least have allowed them to verbalize their point of view in a more controlled setting. Their basic personality will not change, but it can help contain it.
A difficult personality at work is not always obvious
What about the less obvious types of difficult personalities? These people who never speak, who let the emotions intensify and play the victim in all situations. They may be just as difficult to manage because their colleagues will feel stuck trying to figure out how that person feels, and then really discover it later, at a much less convenient time. Unlike the more obvious difficult personalities, with the less obvious ones, you'll have to start by finding out what's wrong, then finding a solution.
That's why regular follow-up and feedback sessions are important not only to maintain a steady and stable flow, but also to give employees the opportunity to express themselves little by little. If you work with people who have difficulty expressing themselves or dealing with certain issues, you will need to pay particular attention to their nonverbal, such as difficulty in making eye contact, lifting eyes to the sky when confronted with comments, more closed body language, feeling of tension, tense facial expressions, etc.
Become aware of the difficult personality at work
Whether you are dealing with direct or passive-aggressive behavior, it is imperative to learn more about the situation. People with difficult personalities need to be aware of their own natural reflexes and how these can affect others, just as much as you need to be aware of how your personality can be influenced by others.
Returning to basics by using the "I" to open the conversation is a good way to prevent the other party from being on the defensive. This allows you to express how you feel without putting all the blame on the other. "I feel like I can not put my point of view when I am interrupted" can be much more effective than "you hurt me when you cut me off". I know what you think: a simple "I" will not make the difference with narcissistic and irrational employees. Maybe, but it will at least have the effect of not making things worse. See it as a way to break the ice, not a solution. As previously mentioned, awareness is the key, and a psychometric test can objectively provide you with the personality differences (and similarities) that may be causing your problems.
Hard Work Personality: A Bad Habit Some people may repeat difficult behaviours routinely or because they have proven to be effective for them in the past. They may be rigid and resistant to change (which may be a difficult personality in themselves), or may have never been confronted with their behavior in the past, and they are not aware that they are creating more harm than good. Help them understand the consequences of their actions and offer them different responses to certain situations by leading by example, role-playing games, or helping them learn to detect the signs that can trigger problematic behavior. Wider reach We also need to take a broader perspective on difficult personalities at work: to separate the person from the problem, to understand that people generally behave this way because of who they are, not because of remember that stress and demotivation can make someone more difficult to manage than usual, and try to take a proactive, non-reactive approach.
To effectively manage a difficult personality at work, you must discover the natural reflexes of your employees, understand the context, and broaden your perception of why you categorize them as "difficult" in the first place. Do not focus only on the negative, but work to find a solution. Systematically follow up to prevent certain behaviours from getting worse, and open the conversation with these employees proactively.
Employees With Negative Attitudes
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From time to
time, it seems that nothing works with a particular employee. Rather than let
that employee have a contagious effect on others in the work group. The
supervisor often has to confront ( Positively ) the employee.
Fixes for
chronic complainers
1- Be sure you give them recognition for
what they do WELL ( not Poorly ). Like some kids, they like attention. If a
child can’t get attention for positive behavior, he/she will sometimes act inappropriately
to get attention.
2- Reassure them about their abilities.
Often these employees may feel outdated or overwhelmed with new challenges.
They may need encouragement.
3- Accept their feelings. As long as
it’s not interfering with performance do you, the supervisor, need to deal with
it necessarily. ( you don’t have to like someone, or be liked by them to work
together ).
4- Check to see whether the complaint or
ill feelings are more widely held and follow-up to correct them if you can.
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