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Working with the Public – NEEDS and EXPECTATIONS

Customers’ needs and expectations are often similar to own when we become ‘’the customer’’. You’ll recognize the questions that cross our minds and the basic assumptions or expectations we tend to have ourselves about customer service relations. What are we looking for?

1 - Question we have in mind
Can I trust this person?

1 – Signs we look for as answers
- A friendly welcome
- A open, positive attitude
- Honesty
- Confidentiality – discretion
- Solution implemented as discussed

2- Question we have in mind
Do you really understand what I need ?

2- Signs we look for as answers
- Personal / individual attention
- Reflective listening skills
- Empathy
- Offer me services and alternatives
- Ready and willing to help – ASAP!

3 - Question we have in mind?
Did I make the right decision? – Is this the best choice?

3 –  Signs we look for as answers
- Reassured
- Good advise

4 - Question we have in mind
Is the organization credible?

4- Signs we look for as answers
- Efficiency
- Experience
- Professional behaviour of staff
- Public image ( clean, orderly, appropriate )
- Good refernces