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Ways to lose your best employees,In case you are not yet aware, your employees are your greatest asset
In case you are not yet aware, your employees are your greatest asset. Without them, your business would never have gone where it is today, or worse, it might not exist! You invest so much time and effort in trying to recruit the best that you simply can not ignore their needs; Make sure they are happy and want to stay in your company! Otherwise, you return to the starting square.
Keep reading to learn about and avoid these ways of losing your best employees so that they do not run their heels and put their strengths into another business.
1. Your company does not have a hospitality and integration strategy
The possibility of losing one's best employees should be considered from the very first day. If you do not have a welcome and integration strategy, the pearl you just hired might ask, "But what did I get into !?"
Your hiring process already takes up a lot of your time and energy, imagine if you had to redo everything in a few weeks or months simply because you did not manage your onboarding process well. Retention of employees starts with the right process of hosting and integration when you welcome a new employee to your team. So be sure to go for it with yours!
2. You NEVER listen to your employees
Why schedule meetings with your employees, ask them for advice in certain situations, and ask them what could be improved in the company if you end up doing everything you want? Of course, as a manager, you need to be able to make decisions and resolve conflicts, but when your employees speak up (especially when YOU ask for them), try to reach out. hear!
3. Divide and conquer is your strategy in your teams
In the work teams, synergy is crucial, but it is also essential in all the teams that are part of the organization. Disagreements within teams, between departments or in business units can have an adverse effect not only on the motivation and morale of employees, but also on the entire company. So instead of using a strategy such as "divide and rule", try to improve inter-departmental communication and collaboration. You should start without delay!
4. You always pay attention to the negative
Not in a constructive way, but simply because you are never satisfied or like to have the last word at all times. And I've seen managers who only post the negative in the work of their subordinates every time.
You will end up repelling your employees if you never recognize the positive or you do not show empathy when you criticize their work (especially in the case of your most sensitive employees). Be careful!
5. You do not treat your employees fairly
Fair. Not necessarily equal.
If you treated them all equally, no one would need salary scales, annual assessments, or specific goals per person / team. In fact, treating your employees equally can be the diametric opposite of fair treatment.
You hire different people, who have different abilities, backgrounds, potential, attitudes and ambitions. Treating your employees fairly means recognizing these aspects and offering them fair compensation, benefits and recognition.
6. You do not have a competitive offer
We are not talking only about salary, but about being fair and having a competitive overall compensation package.
Today, more and more people are leaving their jobs because they feel they might have more elsewhere. If they think they have a higher value and they know there is another company that can offer them that, then they are likely to consider that option.
If you think: "All the better, because I do not have the budget to give an increase to any employee who threatens to leave", I have three things to say to you:
If they need to threaten you to have a more competitive offer, you may have lost them for a long time. Losing your best employees does not always mean resigning; demotivation, lack of interest and presenteeism are also signs that you have lost the employee, so to speak.
Giving money to someone because he or she says to leave is what I call "catch-up HR". If the employee is forced to ask you and you simply agree to give him what he wants, you will make him believe that you have underestimated / underpaid him for a long time.
I told you it was NOT just a question of money! Some things are free, but have more value than money in the eyes of your employees. There are tons of incredible benefits you can offer your employees without shattering your bank account.
7. Have them swim against the tide to lose your best employees
Even if you do it unconsciously, pushing your employees to do what they are not naturally built to do will have the effect of pushing them away.
If you ask an anxious and sensitive introvert to do outbound marketing, or constantly network to meet new opportunities and try to find growth prospects, while being denied 95% of the time in the process, well It may not be the best of ideas!
Give the same goal to someone who would be results oriented, who loved a big challenge, and who, by nature, would be extroverted and highly tolerant of stress and rejection ... and you have greatly increased your chances of success!
Banking on the strengths of your employees will not only benefit your business (because you'll get better results), but you'll also be sure to keep those valuable employees motivated and happy. Once again, I would like to remind you that losing your best employees does not only mean resignation. Do not forget the terrible consequences that constantly going against his natural reflexes, talents and strengths can represent.
8. You are doing micro-management
You may do it involuntarily. You may think that you do not do it. But you may do it anyway.
Micro-management can cause you to lose your best employees, especially if your workforce is predominantly Generation Y.
There are so many ways to track and supervise the work of your employees without micromanaging them:
Open communication
Weekly sprint planning meetings
Employee empowerment
Just trust them
Yes, you CAN make sure your team is accountable without micro-management.
9. You do not show any recognition
Acknowledging your employees may require more than a positive comment during the annual assessment.
If your employees do not feel recognized (especially those who are more likely to need recognition in their personality profiles), you will lose them eventually.
Plan your recognition programs accordingly, introduce them to your employees, let them know that you recognize them for all the hard work they do.
What have you done in the past when you lost your best employees?
I know this article can make you think, "We are not idiots. We know how drastic these things are "I know ... But sometimes, at the time, people do not realize that little things can have a big impact in the long run. And I am also aware that some employees can still resign, even if you do everything in your power to keep them from the first day.
At the end of the day, always be aware of your everyday actions and get to know the people who work with you (or for you). You may think that you know what your employees want ... until they tell you that during their departure talks. Get to know your employees Know what kind of wood they are warming up, and make sure to avoid these things at all costs if you want your best employees to be consistently happy, efficient and loyal.
In the past, how did you react when your best employees left your company?