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Job Assignment and Delegation

Much of our success is dependent upon our teams efforts and how we assign work and delegate.

What is delegation; A shared obligation. Asking another person to do part of your job and giving enough authority to do it.

Why don’t we delegate? The common reasons are:

►I can do it better myself

►They might make a mistake

►I might lose control

►I feel threatened when I do

Why do some employees resist taking on assignments?

►They don’t get feedback

►They sometime don’t have the time

►They’ve learned that it’s sometimes safer to rely on the boss

What can you delegate?

► Anything that can be done better than you

► Anything they can do instead of you

► Anything they can do with less experience than you

►Anything that will add to their development

What can you NOT delegate?

► Confidential matters

► Disciplinary Actions

► Legally / contractually ( Union ) restricted jobs

► Ultimate accountability for the job